Pre- & POST-





Please ensure to read through my Policies and complete the following required intake form before your appointment!



Please refrain from all activities that may cause irritation to the skin or thinning of the blood prior to your appointment:

  • No alcohol 24 hours before your appointment.

  • No suntanning, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, laser treatment, and/or chemical peels within 14 days of appointment.

  • No blood-thinning medications/supplements 5 days before appointment i.e. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Niacin, Fish Oils, and Vitamin E. Please consult your physician before stopping any medication.

  • No coffee/energy drinks the day of your appointment.

  • If you are to receive any waxing or hair removal in the treated area, please do so a minimum of 3 days beforehand for the skin to heal.

You must be off any and all Retin-A/Retinol products for at least 14 days prior to your appointment and 30 days post-appointment. These products can cause premature and extreme colour loss. If you decide to continue your Retin-A/Retinol use, ensure to avoid the treated and surrounding area and please keep in mind that Cassandra B Beauty is not responsible for loss of colour in your cosmetic tattoo. 

If you are experiencing any severe acne/cold sores/other skin irritations, or have a mole in the area of procedure please contact me immediately for a consultation as it is important to ensure we have a workable surface. Failure to communicate any of these may result in appointment rescheduling/cancellation. All deposits are nonrefundable. 

If you receive Botox/filler, please ensure it is done 4 weeks prior or after healing (more ideal) to ensure the overall symmetry of your new cosmetic tattoo is not affected.

I am unable to work on individuals taking Accutane and require clients to be off the medication for a minimum of 1 year prior to receiving their cosmetic tattoo.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer or any extreme illnesses in the past, it is required that you have been in remission for a minimum of 1 year and have a signed note by a licensed physician in order to receive a Cosmetic Tattoo. The safety of my clients is my first priority. 


Please attend your appointment with a cleansed face. Optionally, you can draw in your brows how you like them so I can take your preferred shape into consideration during the pre-draw.

Please ensure you come to the appointment well-hydrated/fed. The process takes approximately 2-4 hours and it is important you're comfortable. 

Please note, sensitivity is heightened during menstrual cycles. 

Per studio guidelines, no extra guests are permitted within the studio, please attend your appointment solo and enter studio at your designated appointment time.

Note: Although we've seen excellent results achieved in a single session, it is best to come in mindful that more than one session is typically required to achieve optimal results. Touch ups provide an opportunity to assess how your skin heals, review pigment retention, and make any necessary adjustments while also building more dimension and density. 


    Immediately after the procedure, use a clean cotton pad or Q-tip dampened with water to gently cleanse your brows and blot dry with a tissue every hour for the next 6 hours. DO NOT over saturate the brows. If brows are oozing any clear lymph fluid in between cleans, you may gently press/blot with dry tissue.

    Before bed: Thoroughly wash hands, apply small dollop of the provided cleanser to fingertips, lather, and gently cleanse brows; then, cup water in hand to thoroughly rinse cleanser off brows and pat dry. Gently apply a small amount of the provided lotion (rice grain-size is enough for both brows) using a finger. Continue this cleansing/moisturizing routine morning & night for 10-14 days. A little cleanser/lotion goes a long way and should last both your initial & touch up appointments so please keep. Again, do not over saturate with lotion as it is imperative your brows stay relatively dry and can breathe to heal well (blot off with tissue to remove if too much applied).

    After a few days as brows begin to lightly scab/flake, take extra caution when cleansing and applying lotion, and ensure you are gently dabbing on lotion to avoid prematurely dislodging scabs as this can cause pigment loss/patchiness. Be gentle with your new brows, especially when sleeping, showering, and getting dressed.

    What to AVOID during these 14 days:

    • Fully submerging/saturating brows with water. Ensure shower/bath water isn’t too hot creating steam. Excessive moisture is to be avoided when healing.

    • Any skincare, haircare, makeup etc. on/near brows

    • Scratching or picking at scabs/flakes

    • Moderate to heavy exercise/sweating. Light exercise/low intensity is acceptable as long as you do not sweat!

    • Making extreme facial expressions/brow movements as this can cause the scabs to wrinkle, become loose, and prematurely fall off

    • Threading/waxing/plucking

    • UV exposure (sun, tanning beds)

    • Laser light therapy (can darken/lighten or distort pigment), massages, facials, or skin treatments

    • Exfoliants, retinol acids, AHAs or other active products for 30 days post-appointment


    Day 1: You will leave the appointment with a thin layer of vaseline over your new brows to keep them sealed. For the following 2 hours, gently blot your brows every 10 mins with a clean tissue to remove any clear fluid (serous/lymph fluid) that may be beading up on the brow; this is what will dry and create scabs. After about 4 hours, dampen a cotton round pad with luke-warm water, gently wipe the brows clean and pat dry with clean tissue. Do this again before bed if another 3-4 hours passes. Do not reapply vaseline (or any other ointment/topical) on brows. Dry healing is key.

    *If shading is added: Using a clean Q-tip apply a small amount of the provided ointment (rice grain-size for both brows) to the shaded part of your brows only, not the microbladed strokes (these stay dry)! This is typically the inner middle of the brow outward to the tail, avoiding the head of the brows. A little ointment goes a long way, do not over saturate. Clean and reapply again (same as above) before bed if another 3-4 hours passes.

    Please ensure to always wash your hands before cleaning/touching the brow area. Preventing infection is of utmost importance!

    Day 2-14: Clean 2-3 times per day (same as above). As brows begin to scab/flake, take extra caution when cleaning to gently dab (not wipe) with the cotton pad to avoid prematurely dislodging scabs as this can cause premature scab and pigment loss and result in patchiness. Be gentle with your new brows, especially when cleansing, sleeping, showering, and getting dressed.

    What to AVOID during these 14 days:

    • Fully submerging/saturating brows with water. Ensure shower/bath water isn’t too hot creating steam. Excessive moisture is to be avoided when healing.

    • Any skincare, haircare, makeup etc. on/near brows

    • Scratching or picking at scabs/flakes

    • Moderate to heavy exercise/sweating. Light exercise/low intensity is acceptable as long as you do not sweat!

    • Making extreme facial expressions/brow movements as this can cause the scabs to wrinkle, become loose, and prematurely fall off

    • Threading/waxing/plucking

    • UV exposure (sun, tanning beds)

    • Laser light therapy (can darken/lighten or distort pigment), massages, facials, or skin treatments

    • Exfoliants, retinol acids, AHAs or other active products for 30 days post-appointment

  • Immediately post-procedure your new freckles will begin to oxidize and appear darker. This is normal and happens when your body forms a scab! This darkness will last for however long it takes for your body to heal before fading down 30-40%. Some areas may begin and continue to flake for 3-7 days until this stage of healing is complete (this can take longer if you’re a slow healer).


    *Please ensure to always thoroughly wash your hands before cleaning/touching the area. Preventing infection is of utmost importance!

    Day 1: For the following 2 hours, gently blot your new freckles every 15-30 mins with a clean tissue if you notice any clear fluid (serous/lymphatic fluid) accumulating; this is what can dry and create scabs. Before bed, use luke-warm/cool water and a mild, fragrance-free wash (i.e. CereVe, Cetaphil) to gently cleanse the area and pat dry. There is no need to apply any topical creams/ointments.

    Day 2-7: Continue to clean area morning and night (same as above). Be gentle with your new freckles, especially when cleansing, sleeping, showering, etc.

    What to AVOID during the following 10 days:

    • Excessive moisture. Do not fully submerge/saturate face with water. Ensure shower/bath water isn’t too hot creating steam.

    • Sweating. Light exercise/low intensity is acceptable as long as you do not sweat!

    • Any makeup/skincare to area

    • Exfoliants, retinol/retinoids, AHAs/BHAs or other active products for 30 days post-appointment, and then use discretion going forward as use can possibly cause pigment loss/change

    • Scratching or picking at scabs/flakes. Picking at the freckles before they’re ready to flake off on their own will almost always result in pigment loss.

    • UV exposure (sun, tanning beds) for 2 weeks; use sunscreen once healed to avoid fading/discoloration

    • Massages, facials, or skin treatments; laser light therapy to be avoided indefinitely (can darken/lighten/distort pigment)


    Your new tattoo will be covered with a sterile second skin (clear bandage covering) upon leaving appointment which you will keep on for 5-7 days.

    During the first couple of days fresh tattoos may “weep”, meaning that plasma and ink form a thin moist coating on the skin beneath the clear bandage.

    Removing the Bandage & Cleaning Your Tattoo for following 7 days:

    Before you start, make sure your hands are clean and you have an unscented gentle soap ready (ie. CereVe, Cetaphil).

    Carefully peel off the bandage. If you feel the bandage sticking to the tattoo, wet it with lukewarm water and gently slide it off.

    Make a lather in your hands with soap and warm water and gently clean the tattoo using a circular motion. NO washcloths, bath towels, or sponges on a fresh tattoo.

    Rinse the tattoo gently until the skin is clean.

    Pat dry with a clean towel/paper towel then allow to fully air dry

    Once the tattoo is dry, apply a very thin amount of unscented/hypoallergic lotion (CeraVe/Cetaphil/Lubriderm)

    Leave your tattoo uncovered going forward. Please be mindful that your tattoo is a wound and must be kept clean to avoid infection!

    Your tattoo should be completely healed within 2-4 weeks.

    After the first few days, your tattoo may become itchy or begin to form flakes/scabs. They will fall off on their own; DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH AT YOUR TATTOO. Doing so can cause pigment loss/scarring/improper healing. Keep it moisturized and the scabs will eventually dissipate.

    Important Dos and Don’ts :

    • NO SWEATING for 7 days.

    • Clean towels/bedding/(LOOSE) clothing are highly recommended during the healing process.

    • Showering is fine, however, please DO NOT soak your tattoo for min. 2 weeks. This means no swimming, baths or submerging your tattoo in water for long periods of time.

    • Avoid direct sunlight on your tattoo for at least 2 weeks and your tattoo is completely healed. Then, sunblock (minimum SPF 50) on your tattoo whenever in direct sunlight going forward. The sun will undoubtedly cause damage and compromise the longevity of your tattoo.

What to Expect.


Intensified colour and occasionally very minor swelling are part of the initial stages of healing. Pigment colours are pre-modified strongly with warmth which may initially cause brows to have orangey-red undertones; this will neutralize and is to ensure true-to-tone healing with no ashy undertones. Be patient and try not to freak out! The intensity will regress within 7 days. The brows may feel slightly tender to touch and minor scabbing/flaking may take place after 4-7 days. Refrain from picking these flakes as you may run the risk of removing implanted pigment in the process and creating scarring. After the initial 2 weeks of healing is complete, new skin has healed over the brows and can make the brows appear much lighter in colour. The true vibrancy of your Cosmetic Tattoo is revealed after 4 weeks as your skin completely heals through, naturally exfoliates, and rejuvenates.



You did it! Celebrate by setting that alarm clock a little later and enjoy your newfound free time gained by foregoing your old daily brow routine. To preserve your completely healed results; apply oil-free sunscreen daily and avoid heavy sun-exposure to the area. Chlorine, active skincare products (retinol/retinoids, glycolic acid, etc.) to the brow area and certain skin treatments (lasers, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc.) can lighten/alter the pigment with repeated exposure. When getting any procedures done to your face, please let the service provider know about your Cosmetic Tattoo and continue at your own discretion. Cassandra B Beauty is not responsible for any changes to your Cosmetic Tattoo in reaction to any products used or procedures.

Note: Results are unique to each client and this information only acts as a guideline.

See above for specific aftercare instructions